June 2024

How Clean Is Your Tongue?

“Brush your teeth for two full minutes twice a day and floss your teeth once a day.” You’ve probably lost

How Does Swimming Affect Teeth?

Have you ever noticed any extra sensitivity in your teeth after a fun afternoon swimming? You aren’t imagining things, though

How To Choose A Great Dentist

There are a number of reasons why someone might need a new dentist. Maybe their insurance changed, they’re moving to

Dentures Through History

Tooth loss has been a problem people have had to deal with all throughout history. False teeth have been a

Animal Teeth Olympics

Teeth are our passion, and while we spend most of our time focusing on human teeth, sometimes it’s fun to

How Smoking Affects Oral Health

We’ve all heard over and over how smoking can adversely impact health, with the most infamous example being lung cancer.

Conquering Dental Anxiety

We all know, logically, that going to the dentist is a safe, normal, and important part of staying healthy. However,