Dental Tips

What To Do About White Spots

Have you ever noticed white spots on your own or someone else’s teeth? When we think of stains, we usually think

Smile For Your Health!

There are so many things that can make us smile, from seeing an old friend to watching a good movie to

Swimming And Oral Health

There’s nothing better than a swim in the pool to cool down during the hot summer months. Before we dive in,

4 Animals With Unusual Teeth

Animals might not be as concerned with maintaining their oral health and hygiene as we are, but that doesn’t stop

In Case Of Dental Emergency

When we think of an emergency, we probably don’t imagine it could have something to do with our teeth. However,

The Hidden Sugars In Our Food

When we think of sugary food, we usually picture things like candy, cake, pie, ice cream, and soda. However, there

Teeth, Gums, And Diabetes

It might seem like diabetes and oral health have little to do with each other, but this is unfortunately not