
Nail Biting And Oral Health

We call suspenseful books “nail-biters,” but the habit of nail biting itself has less exciting connotations. The most obvious consequence

Which Toothbrush Is Best?

Back in the good old days before the 1930s, toothbrush bristles were made of animal hair. We’re pretty happy to

Tooth Fairy Traditions

The tooth fairy is one of many childhood fantasy figures we remember fondly. We lost our baby teeth, stuck them under

Five Types Of Dental Fillings

It’s never a great feeling when the dentist tells you that you have a cavity, especially when you’ve been diligently

Weight Loss And Oral Health

Maintaining good oral health is a goal we should all be striving to achieve each and every day. Not only does

Supernumerary Teeth

Most people will develop a total of twenty baby teeth that are gradually replaced by a total of thirty-two adult teeth.

The Battle Against Bad Breath

There’s nothing worse than being in the middle of a social situation and suddenly realizing you have bad breath. Whether

Grinding Bruxism To A Halt

Grinding or clenching your teeth is a pretty normal thing to do when you’re annoyed or stressed, and that’s nothing