Restorative Dentistry – Stephenville, TX • Eastland, TX

Restoring Teeth for a Brighter Future

Older man and woman smiling outdoors after restorative dentistry treatment

No one sets out to break a tooth or develop a cavity. However, these are real problems that develop every day. Fortunately, living with an incomplete or decayed smile is not necessary. Instead, by using restorative dentistry services in Stephenville and Eastland, such as tooth-colored fillings, dental crowns, and tooth extractions, we can repair and restore patients’ smiles and ensure a healthier future. Call our Texas Dental Excellence team to find out what we can do to generate a complete and beautiful appearance using only the highest quality materials.


Why Choose Texas Dental Excellence for Restorative Dentistry?

  • 50+ Years of Combined Experience Restoring Damaged Teeth
  • Experts in the Art of Creating Beautiful, Natural Smiles
  • Nitrous Oxide or Oral Conscious Sedation For Comfortable Appointments


Tooth-Colored Fillings

Close up of dental mirror reflecting a tooth

When a cavity forms, the only way to minimize further damage is to receive a tooth-colored filling. Using malleable composite resin matched to the tooth’s natural color, we will clean out the decayed area before filling the tooth and sealing it with a curing light. This will not only protect the tooth from further damage and reinfection but also allow any dental work to remain unnoticed by others.

Dental Crowns

CLose up of smiling blonde woman with flawless teeth

Should a tooth become badly damaged or decayed, we can help to strengthen the vulnerable structure with a custom-made dental crown. Using EMAX and zirconia materials, we can create a restoration that blends in with the existing, healthy teeth, creating a seamless appearance. Also, should a patient prefer, we can use CEREC technology to create the crown in-house, eliminating the need for a second appointment.

Tooth Extractions

Smiling woman holding an extracted tooth

It is the goal of dentists to help patients keep their natural teeth as long as possible. Only in certain circumstances will tooth extraction be recommended. Whether it’s necessary because future orthodontic treatment is required or a tooth is badly damaged or decayed and cannot be saved, you can trust that our team will use the safest methods and techniques to remove the structure before discussing replacement solutions.