Sedation Dentist – Stephenville, TX • Eastland, TX

Calming Nerves, Easing Minds

Woman relaxing in dental chair thanks to sedation dentistry in Stephenville and Eastland

Dental anxiety is common among children and adults. It can often be so bad that individuals may try to avoid regular dental treatment. However, forgoing normal checkups and cleanings can lead to serious dental problems that involve complex care if left untreated. This is why we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry here at Texas Dental Excellence. Designed to curb anxiety and ease minds, nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation are safe and effective ways to help our patients and help our team to get the job done. Call us to learn more about our options for sedation dentistry in Stephenville and Eastland.

Why Choose Texas Dental Excellence for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Comfortable Amenities for an Improved Patient Experience
  • Dentists with 50+ Years of Combined Experience Delivering Comfortable Care
  • State-of-the-Art Dental Technology for Improved Speed & Precision

Oral Conscious Sedation

Senior man holding a pill and a glass of water

When a patient expresses moderate dental anxiety or is preparing for a more invasive procedure, it can be helpful to recommend oral conscious sedation. Delivered in a pill form, we will prescribe the individual an oral medication that will be taken before their appointment. With someone escorting them to and from the office, the effects will begin to occur and allow for a more relaxed and enjoyable experience.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Woman in dental chair wearing nasal mask for nitrous oxide

Considered the mildest form of dental sedation, nitrous oxide is also known as “laughing gas.” Using a nasal mask, our team will turn on the gas mixture and instruct the patient to inhale. Within minutes, the individual will begin to feel more comfortable and at ease. With the help of nitrous oxide, our team can complete the necessary treatment before shutting off the gas and allowing patients to resume normal activity immediately following their appointments.